Legal Notices


This website has been edited by Brod’innov.
Head office are located : 26 avenue la Fontaine – 78600 Maisons Laffitte
Phone number : +33 (0)1 34 93 01 52

VAT: FR 44 75 45 609

RCS Versailles B 447 545 609
APE : 1399Z

Website design and development : Safran Communication

Web host

This website is hosted at :


The complete website depends on French and international laws on copyright and intellectual property. Every copyright is reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations.

Copying one part or the complete website on any support is prohibited except expressive authorization of the website manager.

Writing copies on a paper is allowed, if the integrity of the copied documents, without any modification et the clear following quote: “Document coming from “

Paddock-Sports logo in this website is a registered trademark. It can’t be used or copied without written prior approval from Brodinnov.


Brod’innov can’t give any guarantee and does not take responsibility which may overcome from the access or use of this website, including deuteriation or virus which might contaminate the computing hardware or any other property of the user.  

Brodinnov can’t guarantee the accurancy of all the informations, or being held responsible from the mistakes or omissions held in this website. The user is the only one responsible for the use of such informations.

Privacy Policy

When we are dealing with your personal datas, we are using them in accordance with our pivacy policy.

Brod’innov is convinced the respect of its clients privacy and other visitors and relations is at the utmost importance. Your personal data are then treated and secured with the greatest care, in accordance with the demands of the applicable law in terms of privacy policy. You will find below the complete terms on this matter.  

Visitors and users’ process of personal data

You can visit our website, get informed on our services and acknowledge our latest news, without having to provide for any personal data.

When are we collecting your personal data?

We are collecting your personal data from the moment you enter or leave us your personal data on our website.

Why are we collecting your personal data?

Personal data (e-mail, phone number, address) you are communicating with us are treated by Brod’innov, headquarters are located  26 avenue Lafontaine, 78600 Maisons Laffitte, responsible for treated your data.


Data necessary for executing the contract linking you to Brodinnov are treated for the following terms

·       For the purpose of customer management

·       For the purpose of delivery management

  • For the purpose of issuing, recovering and checking invoices
  • For the purpose of dealing with litigation

Those data are kept for 7 years after achieving the last mission you gave us.


Nominative informations

In accordance with the data protection act of January 6th, you have at any time a right of access, rectification, modification and opposition to your personal data. It also includes any Newsletter sign in. All you have to do is make an inquiry by mail or email: .

The information collected through the contact form are not disclosed to a third party. 
Brod’innov files are not forwarded to any company or organization. No personal data is collected while going through the website.

Photographic credits

Unless explicitly stipulated otherwise, photographic and pictures used on this website are owned by Brod’innov. 


Dispense de déclaration n°8 (ancienne norme simplifiée n°23)